

The riparian owners of the River Dart welcome canoeists from 1 October – 31 March each year.  The Dart Valley is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because it is rich in wildlife.  To help protect the special qualities of the Dart Valley, please do not canoe outside of these times.

There is no general permission to canoe on Dartmoor’s inland rivers but it is allowed on the River Dart during the winter below Dartmeet.  Please do not canoe above Dartmeet at any time of the year.

The River Dart offers some of the best white water canoeing in the country, but please be aware that the river can rise very quickly after rain and so is only suitable for experienced canoeists.

Access Points

Within the National Park, the permitted access and egress points for the River Dart are at Dartmeet, Newbridge, Holne Weir and the Dartbridge cafe.  Do not disembark at other points unless in an emergency.

Car Parks

Car parking is available at:

Code of Conduct

  • Please respect other river users and landowners
  • Canoe only where there are access arrangements in place
  • Use only permitted access and egress points and do not disembark at any other point, except in an emergency
  • Take care when the ground is wet to avoid erosion to the river bank
  • Avoid sudden or excessive noise or unnecessary disturbance to bankside vegetation
  • Show consideration for the local community and other National Park users when parking vehicles; do not obstruct gates and roads and avoid eroding the moor edge
  • Please observe the parking restrictions around Newbridge
  • Keep away from banks where angling is taking place

Safety advice

Please follow the safety advice on the British Canoeing website (external website)

Abandoned or lost craft

If you lose your craft and have safely come off the river, please notify the Police immediately on 101 and tell therm:

  • exact location - including river
  • canoe - colour make and type and any significant identification features
  • canoeist details and contact numbers

Abandoned craft may trigger an emergency response and a search may be instigated