Report a path problem

Report a path problem

Problems on public rights of way within Dartmoor National Park can be reported to us online. The Authority manages public rights of way (which are footpaths, bridleways and byways) on behalf of Devon County Council.

How to report

First time users will need to create their account, which can then be used to track problems and receive email updates.

Dartmoor National Park Authority manages public rights of way and Access Land.  We do not deal with problems on pavements, roads or cycle ways which should be reported directly to Devon County Council.

Report a path problem within Dartmoor National Park

Report a path problem

We are not always able to respond to reports as soon as we would like.  Once reports are received, they are verified by the Access & Recreation team and assigned to the appropriate National Park Ranger for investigation.

We prioritise problems to help us deal with reports effectively, including likely danger to the public, level of use of the path, the degree to which the public are inconvenienced and likely duration of a problem.

During July and August, our Rangers and Conservation Works Team, assisted by volunteers and contractors are undertaking a programme of annual vegetation clearance to public rights of way within the National Park.

Send us your feedback

This is a new service, so if you encounter any problems using the system, or would like to send us any comments or feedback, please email