Planning advice

Planning advice

The planning system can be complicated. Getting the right advice early can save you time, money and significantly improve your chances of gaining planning consent.

You can obtain planning advice from an architect or planning consultant

Planning Advice

Read our FAQ page to get answers to some commonly asked questions and our planning policies and guidance for information that may be relevant to your proposal.

Where possible we will continue to use electronic means of communication to support our commitment to the climate change agenda.

All new planning applications should continue to be submitted through the planning portal website. We no longer accept planning applications or correspondence by post. When new planning applications are validated a site notice will be sent to the applicant to display at the site.

Pop-up Campsites | Dartmoor

Our Planning Advice Service

Our Planning Advice Service is aimed at larger scale proposals that may have a significant impact or where pre-application discussion can have a beneficial impact on shaping development proposals. A fee will be charged to process enquiries. Please see our Planning advice webpage for more information.

Unfortunately, we are not able to deal with enquiries for speculative enquiries from prospective purchasers.


  • Read our FAQs for answers to common planning questions
  • Read our planning policies and guidance and familiarise yourself with policies relevant to your proposal.

We no longer offer our Duty call service, we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.

To submit a Planning Advice request please go to our planning website.

Please note you will need to register for an account on this page before for the option to submit an enquiry or pre-application Advice is available.

Once you have completed the form you will need to pay the fee for this advice, guidance on the fee amount can be found on our charges and payments page.