Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape Character Assessments identify and explain the unique combination of elements and features that make landscapes distinctive by mapping and describing their component areas. It is an important evidence base we use to understand what makes Dartmoor's landscape distinctive and it informs our decisions on planning applications affecting the National Park's landscapes.

Dartmoor’s unique landscape character is described in the 2017 Landscape Character Assessment. The assessment breaks down Dartmoor's landscape into distinct 'landscape character types', the key characteristics of each type are described and their 'valued attributes' are identified. These valued attributes are those features of the landscape which are fundamental to its character - change (such as development) affecting these valued attributes would have a major impact on the landscape concerned.

LCA 2017 cover

> Landscape Character Assessment 2017

County and National Landscape Character

At a county level Devon’s landscape character assessment describes the differences in landscape character throughout the county, describing what people see as distinctive and special about all landscapes in Devon. It provides a strategic framework for local landscape character assessments, such as ours, to work within.

At a national level the country’s landscape has been classified into distinct 'national character areas'. Dartmoor has its own profile: National Character Area: 150 Dartmoor. These profiles include a description of the natural and cultural features which shape these distinct landscapes, how the landscape has changed over time and the current drivers for change.