Background evidence and research
Planning policy is based on robust evidence and a comprehensive understanding of an area and its issues. Below is a library of the evidence and research which informs the National Park's adopted planning policies.
The evidence below supports the adopted Local Plan
Authority Monitoring Report
The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is an annual report published each year which provides a summary of all background monitoring data on planning in the National Park by financial year:
> Authority Monitoring Report 2023/24
> Authority Monitoring Report 2022/23
> Authority Monitoring Report 2021/22
> Authority Monitoring Report 2020/21
Infrastructure Funding Statement
The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is an annual report typically published in December, which provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements (S106) within Dartmoor National Park for a given financial year. The IFS aims to unite strategy and monitoring, thereby increasing transparency and accountability by giving the public better insight into how developer contributions are supporting new development and local infrastructure in Dartmoor National Park.
> Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24
> Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23
The new Dartmoor Local Plan was adopted on 3 December 2021. The review and preparation of the local plan was done following the Government's set process for adopting a local plan. More information about the preparation and adoption of the new local plan is provided below.
The Statement of Community Involvement (2018) sets out how we involve people in preparing planning policy, such as the Local Plan, and considering planning applications within Dartmoor National Park. The Statement of Representations Procedure provides details on how to make representations during the Regulation 19 Local Plan consultation.
These topic papers gather evidence and serve as a starting point for reviewing existing planning policies and developing new policies. In simple terms they build the foundations for the new local plan and provide readers with background information on why the new policies are the way they are. Feedback on the matters discussed is welcomed.
> Topic Paper 1 Natural Environment
> Topic Paper 2 Historic Environment
> Topic Paper 3 Design and the Built Environment
> Topic Paper 4 Vision and Spatial Strategy
> Topic Paper 5 Minerals and Waste Development
Landscape Character Assessment (LCA)
The LCA is an assessment which identifies the features and attributes of a landscape which make it distinctive. The Dartmoor National Park LCA is used to help guide strategic planning and development management decisions to ensure the conservation and enhancement of Dartmoor's special landscape qualities. This LCA forms part of a wider programme of LCA work being undertaken on a national and Devon-wide scale.
> National Character Area Profile: 150 Dartmoor
> Devon Landscape Character Assessment
> Dartmoor Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) 2017
Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (LSA)
The Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (LSA) provides an assessment of landscape quality around ten key settlements within Dartmoor National Park and determines the landscape’s sensitivity to built development. This information can be used to inform the siting, design and scale of future development to ensure it respects and is well integrated with existing landscape character.
Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (LSA) 2017:
> Introduction and Methodology
> Landscape Assessment Profiles: Ashburton, Buckfastleigh and Chagford
> Landscape Assessment Profiles: Christow, Horrabridge, Yelverton and Mary Tavy
> Landscape Assessment Profiles: Moretonhampstead, Princetown and South Brent
Recreation Impacts
The SWEEP partnership at the University of Exeter report on the recreation impacts of new housing development on Dartmoor National Park. A summary and the full report are available on the SWEEP website, link below:
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
An SFRA is used to inform decisions on where development should be located relative to flood risk and guides Local Plan policies. The Dartmoor National Park Authority SFRA was completed in 2010 and remains fundamentally relevant, an addendum report was completed in 2018 and updated further in 2019, which updates and refreshes the original assessment.
> Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010)
> Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum (2019)
Devon County Council Climate Change Review
This report review's Devon County Council's Climate Change Strategy and provides Green House Gas (GHG) emission calculations for Dartmoor.
> A Review of Devon County Council's Climate Change Strategy
South Hams SAC Planning Guidance
Planning guidance helps planning authorities and applicants ensure they meet the statutory obligations associated with the greater horseshoe bat (GHB) conservation interest of the South Hams SAC.
Strategic Housing Market Needs Assessment (SHMNA)
Dartmoor National Park are partnered with the Plymouth Strategic Housing Market Area (comprising South Hams District Council, West Devon Borough Council and Plymouth City Council) and the Exeter Strategic Housing Market Area (Teignbridge District Council, Exeter City Council, Mid-Devon Borough Council and Cornwall Council). In partnership these local authorities commission studies which assess the housing needs of different groups in the community and assign housing targets to meet that need.
> Plymouth Area SHMNA 2013 (PDF)
> Plymouth Area Housing Topic Paper 2017 (PDF)
> Exeter Area SHMNA 2014/15 (PDF)
Demographic Forecasts
Modelling of demographic forecasts which helps our understanding of how housing delivery could affect the National Park’s demographic make-up throughout the plan period.
> Dartmoor National Park Demographic Forecasts 2016 (PDF)
> Dartmoor National Park Additional Scenario Analysis 2019 (PDF)
> Reducing CO2 emissions in new development policy research and recommendations 2019 (PDF)
> Commuted Sums in Dartmoor National Park 2013 (PDF)
> Devon Partnership Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2015 (PDF)
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
The IDP identifies the National Park's infrastructure requirements to deliver development in the Local Plan. The IDP sets out what is needed, where it is needed and when it is needed. It then provides an update on the delivery of the required infrastructure to date.
> Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2019)
Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study (OSSR)
This study sets out an assessment of open space, sport and recreation (OSSR) provision in Dartmoor National Park to inform the local plan review.
> Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study (2019)
Devon Main Line Route Options
A potential new rail link between Exeter and Plymouth via Okehampton was suggested by the Peninsula Rail Task Force to better protect the South West from future rail disruptions. DNPA commissioned a scoping report to understand the key issues for the National Park. The Authority are not currently involved in discussions about this project being progressed. It would be expected that, should the project move forward, Network Rail would involve local communities in early discussions. Further information can be found in the following reports.
> Devon Main Line Route Options - DNPA Scoping Report (2015)
> Closing the Gap: The South West Peninsula Strategic Rail Blueprint (2016)
Economic Development Needs Assessment (EDNA)
The EDNA analyses and forecasts the economic development needs for Greater Exeter and Dartmoor National Park. Greater Exeter comprises East Devon District Council, Exeter City Council, Mid Devon District Council and Teignbridge District Council.
> Economic Development Needs Assessment (March 2017)
> Appendix 8 Dartmoor National Park Forecasting Results
Employment Land Review (ELR)
This report assesses employment land within the National Park and forecasts how much we might need in the future. It informs the Local Plan's economic strategy and employment site allocations.
> Employment Land Review (January 2018)
> Reducing CO2 emissions in new development policy research and recommendations 2019 (PDF)
> Valuing England's National Parks 2013
> Household Income Report (2014)
Local Aggregate Assessments
Local Aggregate Assessments are prepared annually by Devon County Council and include the area of Dartmoor National Park.
See our 'Quick Guide' for a brief overview of how we consider housing sites for allocation in the Local Plan and how you can get involved in the process.
Development Site Briefs
We have created Site Briefs for each allocation included in the Local Plan. They are designed to be planning advice notes to accompany the Local Plan, summarising the key considerations for the site drawn from existing sources, and should be read alongside the Local Plan. They do not set new or additional requirements for the site.
Site specific plans
This information can also be found on our 'Site specifics plans' webpage.
Settlement Profiles
Profiles have been compiled for each settlement in the National Park. Each profile includes population and housing statistics, an overview of services, facilities, sports pitches, play space and employment land as well as information on strategic planning policies and constraints affecting each settlement. The profiles have been revised in response to comments received from a Parish/Town Council consultation.
Land Availability Assessment (LAA)
The LAA is a technical exercise which assesses the amount of land that could be made available for housing or employment development. The LAA process creates a pool of sites from which appropriate development sites are chosen through the local plan process.
> See LAA page for further information
Brownfield Register
The 2017 regulations introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed land within their area that they consider appropriate for residential development (brownfield land registers). Our register is available below.
If you wish for a site to be added to this register please contact the Forward Planning Team at