Housing SPD

Housing SPD

The Authority adopted the Housing SPD on 1st December 2023. The Housing SPD provides guidance to support the delivery of housing in Dartmoor National Park, it:

  • provides detailed guidance on how to use Local Plan housing policies
  • clarifies the Authority's expectations of housing development;
  • helps applicants make successful and streamlined applications which are good for Dartmoor and its communities; and
  • helps ensure the Authority makes consistent, robust and streamlined decisions on planning applications.

Together with the Local Plan, the Housing SPD forms a material planning consideration when we decide planning applications.

Housing SPD cover

> Housing SPD Adoption Statement

> Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Statement of consultation

> SA/SEA Screening Statement

Mutual Exchanges

The right to mutual exchange allows two or more social housing tenants to exchange their tenancies, and move permanently into each other's homes. Guidance on mutual exchanges, when they can occur and who is eligible, is available below:

Mutual Exchanges: Guidance note