Shaugh Prior Neighbourhood Plan

Shaugh Prior Neighbourhood Plan

Shaugh Prior Parish Council wishes to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan and sought designation of the Parish of Shaugh Prior as a "Neighbourhood Area". As the parish of Shaugh Prior falls only partly within the Dartmoor National Park, the Parish Council’s request for designation as a Neighbourhood Development Plan area was submitted to both South Hams District Council and the Dartmoor National Park Authority as the local planning authorities for the area. Dartmoor National Park Authority confirmed their approval of Shaugh Prior Parish Council’s proposal to designate a Neighbourhood Area, for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan on 22nd October 2024.

Application Documents

Shaugh Prior Area Designation Form

Shaugh Prior Neighbourhood Area Designation confirmation

Shaugh Prior Neighbourhood Area map

More Information

For more information about the preparation of the Plan please contact Parish Councillor Mr Barrie Spencer on