Local Plan Review

Local Plan Review

The Local Plan review and examination has now closed and the new Local Plan has now been adopted. You can find out more information on how we reviewed and adopted the Local Plan by using the drop down menu below.

For further information and examination documents please visit the Local Plan Examination page. You can also find the evidence base which sits behind the new Local Plan on the Core Documents page.

▼ The final Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation

Consultation on Dartmoor's Regulation 19 final draft Local Plan has now ended. The consultation ran from 16th September 2019 until 1st November 2019. You can download the final draft Local Plan and Policies Map below.

Local Plan Reg19 Cover

> Dartmoor Local Plan 2018 - 2036: Final Draft (PDF 7mb)

You can see the changes we made and how we responded to comments on the First Draft Local Plan by looking at the track changes document below (please note, these are presented in a different format to the designed version above):

> Dartmoor Local Plan 2018 -2036: Final Draft Track Changes (PDF 4mb)

Policies Map

> Interactive policies map

> Policies map (PDF 9mb)

A high resolution pdf policies map is available upon request.

▼ Viewing and commenting on the Plan

Commenting on the Plan

This final draft Local Plan has been prepared over 3 years, informed by 3 public consultations, and is based on substantial evidence and research. At this final consultation stage it is therefore important that comments proposing changes to the Local Plan are specific, succinct and supported by evidence.  

Before commenting on the final draft Local Plan please read our guidance, this will help you ensure your comment is robust. 

You can submit your formal comments on the final draft Local Plan by: 

1. completing our online comment form;

2. downloading the comment form in Word and emailing it to forwardplanning@dartmoor.gov.uk; or 

3. completing a paper comment form (collected from one of the locations below or a printed copy of the Word comment form) and returning it by post to us at: Forward Planning, Dartmoor National Park Authority, Parke, Bovey Travey, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 9JQ. 

Where to view the Local Plan

During the consultation, printed copies of the Local Plan and accompanying documents are available to view at the following locations:

> Libraries: Ashburton, Bovey Tracey, Buckfastleigh, Chagford, Ivybridge, Moretonhampstead, Okehampton, Princetown and Tavistock.

> Dartmoor Visitor Centres: Haytor, Princetown and Postbridge.

> Local Authority Headquarters: Dartmoor (Parke), South Hams (Follaton House), Teignbridge (Forde House), West Devon (Kilworthy), Devon (County Hall).

> Parish and Town Council Offices: of Town and Parish Councils falling within or partly within Dartmoor National Park. Where your local Parish or Town Council does not have a designated office, please contact the Clerk directly to discuss viewing the plan.

▼ Proposed Modifications Consultation

Consultation on the Modifications to Dartmoor's final draft Local Plan ran from 7th June 2021 until 19th July 2021. This consultation focused on the Modifications to the Plan the Inspector considers necessary to make the Plan 'sound'. It was the last public consultation on the Plan prior to adoption. You can follow the examination on our examination page.

> Schedule of Main Modifications

> Final Draft Local Plan with tracked changes

> Updated Policies Map

Consultation Quick Guide

Buckfastleigh Sites FAQs

▼ How to comment

All comments on the proposed Modifications must be made in writing and submitted by 5pm on Monday 19th July 2021. If possible, please use the online form, as this makes your comments easier for our small team to process. A hardcopy comment form is also available.

Submit your comments here

> Hardcopy comment form

▼ Virtual Events

Due to the ongoing Covid restrictions, the consultation will be taking place online. We will also be holding some virtual public drop-in sessions and a workshop for parish/town councillors.

Parish Council Workshop

Virtually, via Microsoft Teams

Wednesday 16th June 4pm – 6pm

Buckfastleigh Sites Drop-In

This session will focus on answering questions from the community in Buckfastleigh on the alternative site at Timbers Road. We've also produced a series of FAQs for the community.

Virtually, via Microsoft Teams (contact us to take part)

Wednesday 23rd June 4pm – 6pm

Public Drop-In

Virtually, via Microsoft Teams (contact us to take part)

Tuesday 29th June 2pm – 4pm

If you would like to join either of the public sessions, please contact us at forwardplanning@dartmoor.gov.uk.

▼ Timetable for the Local Plan Review

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets a requirement that Local Plans are reviewed to assess whether they need updating at least once every five years. They should then be updated as necessary.

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is a public statement of the Dartmoor National Park Authority’s Local Plan preparation programme and sets out the ‘timetable’ for reviewing the Local Plan.

The LDS must publicly set out which local development documents we are to prepare, which of these are development plan documents, which area they cover, whether they are to be prepared with another authority and the timetable against which they will be prepared. It does not set a process or timescale for the updating of those polices, which the review process may identify as in need of updating. This process would take place after the conclusion of the review.

Whilst outside the necessary scope of this LDS, it also sets out the indicative timescale for the preparation of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD).

Local Development Scheme (February 2025)

Policies Map

Conservation Areas