Ecological Consultants

Ecological Consultants

Devon County Council publish a list of ecological consultants working in Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) does not give any warranty or guarantee in respect of the contractors listed or their work and you must satisfy yourself that any contractor you choose is suitable for your purposes. We would recommend that you obtain a quotation from more than one consultant and satisfy yourself that they are willing to apply for a European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) should that be necessary.

More information

The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) provide further information about choosing a consultant ecologist, in particular ‘A householder’s guide to engaging an ecologist’.

Natural England

Dartmoor team
Contact via National Enquiries
Tel: 0300 060 3900
Opening times: 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
(excluding public holidays)
Website: Website:

Bats: General advice

Tel (Bat Conservation Trust): 0345 1300 228
Website: Website:
For licensing or planning and development queries, contact Natural England's enquiries team above.

Natural England Wildlife Management Licensing Service

The Wildlife Licensing Unit
Block 3
Government Buildings
Burghill Road
Westbury on Trym
Tel: 0845 6014526